The facilitators are interested in the impact of relationships as we journey through our lives, and particularly friendships, as we navigate our 70s and beyond. They will encourage conversation about what different flavors of friends have contributed to each of our lives, or not, and to the roles we hope friends will play in our future.
Facilitators Backgrounds
Jeanne K Kleinman LCSW , (AB ‘68, M Ed ‘69, MSW ‘83) is a private practice clinical social worker in Farmington, Connecticut. Her practice includes work with adults and families in individual, family and group settings. She has worked for over 35 years In public school systems, community agencies, and private hospitals. Also an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Connecticut Medical School, Kleinman is active in the family therapy supervision program and instructs psychiatric residents in group psychotherapy.
Don Berwick
Beth Pollock Ungar is the happy mother of two children and two grandchildren and also a happily retired physician as of last October after 45 years in the medical field. Friends .have always been important in her life: best friends starting in kindergarten (yes, they changed from time to time, although she is still in contact with several) to college housemates (yes, they frequently get together individually and as a group every 18 months or so), to women's groups from book clubs to investment clubs.
Bryant Welch is a clinical psychologist from Sausalito, CA. Clinically, he specializes in the treatment of trauma through traditional psychotherapy, modern trauma treatment techniques and advanced Eastern contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation. His first book State of Confusion: Political Manipulation and the Assault on the American Mind was an attempt to explain the contemporary psychological dysfunction in American politics, and a revised, updated version is being released on Amazon reunion week