50th Reunion


Panels, Forums, Small Discussion Groups


1)  Underlined, italic titles indicate small group discussions.

2)  American Polarizations A, B, C, D are four related sessions.



1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

The Universe and its Contents – Surprises since 1968:  Two astrophysicists share insights and behind-the-scenes stories about amazing discoveries that have dramatically altered scientists’ view of the universe. More.  Lee Anne Mordy Willson, Claire Max. Science Center Hall D 


1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

The Poetry of Our Lives: Some of us write poems. Some read poetry. Almost all of us have a favorite poem or two. Come share your favorite poem or one you have written. More. Michael Ansara, moderator. (Please sign up in advance; respond here; walk-ons may be possible if time allows.) Science Center Hall B


1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

Spirituality:  Why I choose God. Or not. Leading a meaningful life with religious faith or without it. More. David Woodsfellow, facilitator. Science Center Hall A


2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

The Dragon and the Eagle:  What can we expect in Chinese foreign policy as China continues to grow economically? Can China and the US cooperate on a stable basis or is an arms race and hair-trigger risk inevitable? And who would win that new Cold War? More. Henry Lee, moderator. Bill Overholt, Professor Graham Allison, presenters. Science Center Hall B 


2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Rights Revolutions: A lot of us have far more rights now than we had in the Sixties. Amazing changes have been won by women, minorities, gays and people with disabilities. What changes in law and public policy did we foresee? Which were unexpected? What political, economic, or social obstacles prevented our achieving greater democracy and equality?  More. Barbara Brown, moderator. Martha Ackelsberg, Tom Dublin, Willene Jones Johnson, discussants. Science Center Hall D 


2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Life Throws Curveballs:  Sometimes our lives change course as a result. What have we learned from taking a path we might not have chosen? How has it shaped us? More. Bill Graustein, Curt Hart, facilitators. Science Center Hall A 


3:45 - 4:45 p.m.

Earth & Its Humans: Big-Picture History in a Hurry:  The last 50 years have occasioned great changes in human numbers and living conditions. Those human changes have transformed Earth's environments. What happened? What's going to happen? More. Terry Vogt, moderator. Don Hooper, Bea Rogers, presenters. Science Center Hall D


3:45 - 4:45 p.m.

Friendship: How we make and keep friends, deal with inevitable losses, reconnect and reconcile. Making this a purposeful activity. More. Jeanne Kleinman, facilitator. Science Center Hall A


3:45 - 4:45

Still Radical After All These Years:  Many of us were fundamentally changed by the ‘60s and ‘70s, embracing the vision of a world grounded in love, community, social justice, and spiritual exploration. Share how those transformative years continue to influence your life. More. Peter Gabel, Mo Hanan, and Christina Schlesinger invite a group discussion. Science Center Hall B