50th Reunion


Panels, Forums, Small Discussion Groups


1)  Underlined, italic titles indicate small group discussions.

2)  American Polarizations A, B, C, D are four related sessions.



1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

American Polarizations C: Prescriptions: Open forum following Tuesday’s American Polarizations A and B. The focus is on remedial strategies to repair the rents in the civic fabric. More. Conn Nugent, moderator. Jack Egan, Elvin Montgomery, Syliva Poggioli, commentators. Science Center Hall B


1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

Living Through Change:  Much has changed since 1968, but perhaps no changes have been so dramatic as advances in the status of women and sexual minorities. How have our personal lives been affected in the workplace, in our families, and in other relationships? All perspectives welcome in this open forum emphasizing personal experiences. More. Nat Butler, Chris Dahl, Anne Fowler. Science Center Hall D


2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

American Polarizations D: Prescriptions:  Follow-up open forum from sessions A, B, C with a focus on remedial strategies to repair the rents in the civic fabric. More. Linda Greenhouse, moderator. Peter Zimmerman, Laura Shapiro, Andy Tobias commentators. Science Center Hall B


2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Genetics Revolution: Biotech offers cures, prevention, and human alterations. How to harness advances and handle the important ethical questions they raise. More. Martha Stampfer, moderator. Dean Frank Doyle, presenter. Science Center Hall D.


3:45 - 4:45 p.m.

Technology and Us: The personal, social, and cultural consequences of coming technological change. More. Harry Lewis, Moderator. Professor Margo Seltzer, Professor Jonathan Zittrain, presenters. Science Center Hall D.


3:45 - 5:15

Glimpses: Classmates share personal stories in short presentations focused on anecdotes, discoveries, transformations, and obsessions. More. Organized by Barbara Shore, Rich Schaffer. Science Center Hall B.


3:45 -5:30 p.m.

Activism Today: Presentation and open-mic discussions on the challenges and opportunities of effecting political change in the near term. Speakers will suggest strategies and tactics needed today for successful advocacy on issues of inequality, civil rights, environmental protection, and voter access. More. Margaret Kemeny, convenor. Linda Greenhouse, Ellen Hume, Martha Ackelsberg, Drucilla Ramey, and additional commentators. Science Center Hall A.